La Technique


Hi there, my name is DJ Ramones. I’m a web software developer and engineer, and La Technique is a blog where I share about my work and technical interests.

La technique” is a French word that really just means the same thing in English, but I’m using it in reference to a concept by the philosopher Jacques Ellul regarding the technological ethos of the modern world.

I have another, older blog called Reverse Delay, where I write about personal musings, culture, and other non-technical subjects. These two blogs basically reflect a work-life divide, though I’d like to point out that such a divide is not always so sharp in practice, for better or worse.

If you’d like to know more about me, you can check out my links at


You can reach me by email. Please see for my address.


This blog is built using Pelican, a Python static site generator. I made my own theme for the site, called Technicus.

The site is served by Cloudflare Pages.